Every Spotify Session Should Be a ‘Private Session’; Blockchain and Music Data’s Byzantine Problem
Every Spotify Session Should Be a “Private Session” — theringer.com
The music streaming service tattles on your listening choices unless you manually tell it not to. This is madness.
The Major Labels Make $9000 Every Minute From Streaming — music3point0.com
The major labels are making $9000 every minute, or more than $12.5 million per day just from streaming music. Will the growth continue?
Apple Music’s Free Trial Is Now 99 Cents In These Countries — www.billboard.com
As reported in the Apple blogosphere, Apple Music has begun flexing its “prices vary” prerogative by charging 99 cents for a three-month trial in Australia, Spain and Switzerland.
How Streaming Music Online Can Change What’s Popular on the Radio — www.wideopencountry.com
Don’t like what you hear on the radio? Streaming music services, while not perfect, are giving fans a way to change what tops the charts.
Blockchain and Music Data’s Byzantine Problem — musically.com
A major selling point of blockchain technology has been its promise of information systems that can remain operational, even despite missing links.
Don’t Worry, Your MP3s Are Safe: A Frank Discussion On The Future Of A Format — www.npr.org
The survival of the MP3 is more complicated than the lapse of a patent and its marketplace by its inventors.
VOISE, Decentralized Music Platform, Announces Radio DAO — Platform & Stream — platformandstream.com
Music platform VOISE has included a new feature to its upcoming music streaming and downloading platform. The new Radio DAO service will allow users to access a constantly streaming music service with a never-ending playlist.
Spotify now officially has more UK listeners than BBC Radio 1 — www.musicbusinessworldwide.com
BBC Radio 1 has posted its worst quarterly Rajar result in history.
Radio continues to play key role in music discovery, say experts — www.m-magazine.co.uk
Radio continues to play a key role in music discovery, a panel of music industry experts at The Great Escape has said.