Smart Contracts: Smart Enough for the Music Biz? Spotify Links Up w/ Google Maps
Are Smart Contracts Smart Enough For The Music Industry?
Are Smart Contracts Smart Enough For The Music Industry?
Smart contracts promise to automate music rights management and cut down on legal disputes between artists, record labels, and others. But the complexity of the industry is a big challenge for adoption.
Spotify Launches Integration With Google Maps —
Spotify announced on Monday (Oct. 1) that it will be integrating with Google Maps to provide music listeners as they go along their journeys.
Fan Powered Music Streaming, Gaming Hub Launches —
Fan Powered Music has launched a free fan driven streaming service and gaming hub with a catalog of 6000+ tracks from independent musicians. The mix of music and games offers a unique way for artists to communicate with and engage fans.
Can Airbnb Concerts and Sofar Sounds Revolutionize the Live Concert Industry? —
Founded in 2008 in San Francisco, Airbnb has gone from three air mattresses and broke roommates to a company valued at more than $30 billion. Having changed the way people travel, which led to a massive revolution in the hospitality industry, Airbnb is now trying to make its move to enter the live music space.
How Does Spotify Know You So Well? —
This Monday — just like every Monday before it — over 100 million Spotify users found a fresh new playlist waiting for them called Discover Weekly. It’s a custom mixtape of 30 songs they’ve never…
The Independent Music Podcast Turns 200 —
Every week the Independent Music Podcast releases a show promoting adventurous independent music from almost every genre conceivable.
Gillian Welch’s ‘Everything Is Free’: The Story of a Modern Classic —
Originally written in the Napster era, Welch’s song has been embraced this year by a new generation of artists including Father John Misty, Courtney Barnett and Phoebe Bridgers.
Bittorrent Traffic Suddenly Rising In Traffic Share Thanks To Streaming Fragmentation —
For a long time it looked as though the popularity of legal streaming services would be able to curb online piracy, but as streaming offerings continue to diversify, and more of the services continue to release their own original programming, the a la carte option of Bittorrent has seen a…
TuneCore Names Viacom’s Neil Bhayas As Tech VP —
TuneCore has named Neil Bhayas Vice President of Technology. He joins from Viacom, where he served as Vice President of Technology. Bhay will focus on expanding technology solutions for TuneCore artists.
What Can Blockchain Do For Music? —
This is the current reality for the creatives who are looking to make a living with music: it is extremely difficult to make even a modest living in the industry. Every time when someone presses the…