Upliftful Seeks to Level the Playing Field in the Music Game
A new “how to” resource for Gen Z to succeed in the entertainment industry.
Successful networking isn’t really about who you know. It’s about who can help.
Talent and hard work should be the most important criteria for success in ANY profession, not resources and connections. But the challenges are especially significant for aspiring music entrepreneurs. At the core of Upliftful’s mission is to level this playing field.
A new app launching on April 19, 2023, Upliftful will revolutionize the way in which professionals make connections and create experiences, while empowering and educating those who seek to take the next step in their careers.
Upliftfil provides the accessibility and affordability by bringing you the experience you need without being in a big city. Through the app, users connect via 1:1, flat-rate, 4-minute video calls, called Lifts.
The personal connections between young music entrepreneurs and experts from different backgrounds facilitate a safe space and help avoid costly and timely mistakes.
“Whenever you want it, wherever you need it, Upliftful is the platform that will help guide you through your journey,” says Upliftful co-founder and longtime music industry exec Dustin Edelhertz.
For Upliftful, the initial focus this year is transforming the way networking happens in the music business.
In creating a more attainable path towards leveling the playing field, young music entrepreneurs can focus on building sustainable careers in this industry.
No matter where you come from, what your network looks like, or your previous education, you’ll have access to people that can help you navigate and support your growth in the industry without a rulebook.
With no-fluff, focused video sessions, you can establish the right focus, talk about pressures of the hustle, understand the business and make smart moves with experts who understand your journey because they’ve been there, themselves.
Perhaps the best aspect about this new app is that there are no limits or caps!
You can book as many Lifts as you need. With its consistent, flat rates, you can pursue your passions AND focus on the best outcomes at a low cost.
After all, the goal is to be able to work smarter, not harder.